The Canadian Emergency Response to Flammable Liquid Incidents in Transport resource is a series of online courses, resources, and support materials for face-to-face training. The curriculum and materials have been designed to help communities, and firefighters at every level, become better prepared to manage an incident involving flammable liquids being transported by road or rail. In being better prepared we keep first responders, the public, and communities safer in the event of a flammable liquid incident occurring on a roadway or railway in Canada.

Our aim is to assist Canadian firefighters attain the competencies outlined in Transport Canada’s Competency Guidelines for Responders to Incidents of Flammable Liquids in Transport, High-Hazard Flammable Trains up to the Operations level.

To that aim we have created three levels of learning.

Training Levels

Level 1 is an online resource appropriate for all first responders and community members involved in emergency preparedness planning. This fully online course was designed by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and is freely accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a modern browser.

Click here to access Level 1 course online.

Level 2, Firefighter Response Training, has been developed by JIBC as an introduction to responding to flammable liquid transportation incidents. Level 2 is offered in two parts. Learn more about Level 2 here.

The Level 3 course is for firefighters ready to take on specialized training in responding to flammable liquid transportation incidents. The course is designed to be instructed by hazmat technicians and industry specialists. Trainers at approved centres can apply for access to these free resources and training aids. Contact us for more information on accessing Level 3 training materials.


There are many online resources available for First Responders and Emergency Planners responding to incidents involving flammable liquids transported by rail or road.

These are some of the most useful.

  • This program is designed to be consistent with Transport Canada’s Competency Guidelines for Responders To Incidents of Flammable Liquids in Transport, High-Hazard Flammable Trains. The document provides useful information for first responders, including definitions of terminology and links to additional resources.
  • The Transport Canada document You’re Not Alone! provides a useful reference to the resources available to you as a responder, and introduces some of the agencies and individuals who would be involved.
  • CANUTEC is the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre operated by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate of Transport Canada. The Directorate’s overall mandate is to promote public safety in the transportation of dangerous goods by all modes. CANUTEC’s emergency number operates 24 hours per day, and technical experts are always available to advise first responders in the case of incidents involving dangerous goods.
  • The Emergency Response Guidebook, or ERG, is available in multiple forms on the CANUTEC website – as a web link, as a downloadable PDF, and as a mobile app.
  • The Transport Canada Aide Memoire for first responders outlines the most important safety measures to be considered during emergency planning.
  • Transport Canada’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods newsletter published a special issue addressing incidents involving petroleum products. The newsletter includes a useful introduction to the properties of crude oil, a discussion of appropriate PPE and various other articles of interest.
  • Mobile Applications:
    • The NFPA’s HazMat FLIC app is specifically designed as an on-scene incident commander field guide in situations involving High-Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFTs) or liquid petroleum pipeline emergencies (App link for Android; App link for iOS).
    • Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations – or CAMEO –provides response recommendations for hazardous chemicals.
    • Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) is a database for chemical information. It includes a resource to help you identify unknown chemicals, as well as a wealth of other interactive tools.
    • SAFER provides detailed information on initial isolation zones and protective action zones at your incident. It’s linked to satellite imagery of the scene you select, so it is very specific and very useful.
    • AskRail® was created through a collaboration between the emergency response community and North American railroads. Using the app, a first responder can enter the railcar’s identification number and find out what is inside.
  • The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards informs workers, employers, and occupational health professionals about workplace chemicals and their hazards
  • Transcaer®’s Crude by Rail course is focused on crude oil transportation in the USA. Most of the information applies to the transportation of crude oil in Canada; some terminology is slightly different.


These courses have been developed through collaboration between industry experts, regulatory agencies and educational institutions.


This Course and its content have been created by and is endorsed by the Steering Committee on First Responder Training.

DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this presentation and supporting materials is intended for general use only and may not apply to every circumstance. This presentation and supporting materials are not intended to be comprehensive or to include specific advice on which you may rely. You should always consult a suitably qualified professional on any specific matter. It is not a definitive guide to such OH&S legislation or rules and does not relieve persons using the course or supporting materials from their responsibilities under applicable federal and provincial legislation, regulation or common law. JIBC does not guarantee the accuracy of, nor assume liability for the information presented in the course or supporting materials.

Except as noted, content of this course is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


The Level 1 course (online only) is recommended for all first responders and emergency response planners in Canada. This course should be completed before moving on to the next level.

The Level 2 – Firefighter Response Training (both the online course and face-to-face component) is recommended for all firefighters in Canada.

The Level 3 – Advanced Response Training is on-site training that can be delivered at approved sites across Canada. This training is appropriate for experienced firefighters who have completed the Level 2 training.

The online courses are free for anyone to access.

The support material for the Level 2 and 3 face-to-face courses is also available to trainers and instructors at no cost.

We will not be offering a certificate for these course.

Local or regional trainers may offer some kind of official recognition for the face-to-face portion but this will vary and is not within our control.

The online portions (Level 1 and 2) are self-serve resources with no instructor support.

The face-to-face portion of Level 2 and all of Level 3 requires an experienced instructor on site.

The face-to-face training can be delivered by local or regional trainers. For both levels but especially for the Level 3 training, we suggest accessing the assistance of industry specialists. Please reach out to discuss specific requirements using the contact form.
We don’t have an official list at this time. If you are interested in delivering the Level 3 training please reach out using the contact form so we can connect with you directly.


You can contact us if you have technical difficulties accessing the course material.

If you are an instructor for the Level 2 face-to-face component and have technical questions, please refer to the Instructor Guide for information on who to contact for answers to these questions.

For the Level 2 and Level 3 Face-to-Face training (English and French), please contact Transport Canada – Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate at TC.TDGSafetyAwareness-SensibilisationalasecuriteduTMD.TC@tc.gc.ca.